Vortex's Latest Kill!

Vortex's Latest Kill!
Heroic Yor'sahj

Monday, December 19, 2011


Sooo, I downloaded TF2 this week, and I've already logged 8 hours :3. I wanted to play a spy/scout combo, but in order to unlock the tutorials for some classes (spy), you have to first complete the tutorials for some of the other classes. Well, I was impatient, so I decided to play a medic instead after a bunch of fail spy games. It's great, I'm not a detriment to a team, because every team needs a medic, and I can almost always do good on the scoreboard. It got me to wondering though.. what kind of people play the healer classes in video games? Let's take a look at healers in a PVP aspect in the 3 games I play.

WoW Resto Druid: I'm using Resto Druid because it's the only healer I've ever played. Resto Druids possess many tools in their arsenal. They have hots, which are very effective for the run and gun aspect of PVP. Standing still and casting can most of the time get you killed if your opponents are semi-competent. A resto druid can also maintain healing on multiple targets at a time with their hots. They also have a couple forms of CC in the ways of roots and cyclone. The really good ones can even go bear form and bash for an extra stun. Resto druids also have a couple DoT's they can put up, in order to add some pressure. All in all, Resto druids are really balanced in terms of damage/healing/cc, and can be very versatile.

LoL Support: Supports in League of Legend are not all healers, but I'm going to group them together for the sake of this post. Let's talk about Soraka, cause she's my favorite :D. Now while Soraka only has 4 abilities, she almost as much versatility as a resto druid. Soraka has a silence/mana return ability, which is very good for CC. Silence is one of the most powerful CC's in LoL, because it prevents 90% of ability and summoners spells from being used. She also has a damage ability/debuff that deals damage to everyone in a short radius around her, and increases the amount of magic damage they take, and is pretty spammable. She has two heals, one moderately strong and an average cooldown, and the other large aoe on a long cooldown. All in all, she's very strong.

TF2 Medic: The medic in TF2 also has some characteristics of a resto druid. The medic posses 3 weapons, a gun that damages enemies, and gun that heals allies, and a meele weapon that damages enemies. Now, the medic doesn't have any CC, per se, but he does have 2 ways of dealing damage, as well as healing. He also posses the ability to charge a meter, which when full can be activated to make him and his heal target invulnerable and deal bonus damage for a short time.

Now, what do all these have in common? Well they all posses damage and healing in some way or form. They all have the ability to support their teammates, and enhance their play styles. What does this say about the people who play them? Well, the people who play healers are almost always team players. They are willing to sacrifice the guts and the glory or being the top contributor in kills for being the person that allows that top kill person to be at the top. Healers also have to be able to keep a calm mind. Smart teams will instantly target and attempt to focus down the healer. If you choose to be a healer, you will die a lot, and you have to be able to accept it and move on. If you do well enough, your team will keep you alive no matter what. Basically, healers are awesome.



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