Vortex's Latest Kill!

Vortex's Latest Kill!
Heroic Yor'sahj

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Glory of the Lolcrown Raider

Yep so, after about 1 1/2 months with Vortex.. they decided to drag me through all my missing achievments. Honestly, the achievments are harder than the hardmodes for some fights... stupid mechanics like Full House and Festergut with only 2 spores, are all stupid. :D

(My MS PAINT skills are pro i know)



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Good News Everyone!

Welp, we did it... Yay! Malecimo! We did it! *Que Dora music*

But really... We finally managed to kill Putricide this past Tuesday, pushing us up to 11/12 HM. Honestly, even though we wiped on him for countless hours and about 3 weeks, after it was all said and done... I found myself asking if we had forgotten to put it on HM. The fight was just to easy. I mean, even phase 3 seemed like a joke, as I didn't have to move for slime AT ALL. Now this may be due to some lucky placement... but really.

I'm gonna go ahead and outline our basic strategy here:

Our Raid Comp:
1 Prot Pally
1 Feral Druid Tank
1 Balance Druid
1 Hunter
1 Arcane Mage
1 Elemental Shaman
2 Destro Locks
1 Resto Druid
1 Resto Shaman

Before the fight we went ahead and assigned a disease order which went something like this:

Hunter-->Lock-->Balance Druid-->Mage-->Elemental Shaman

If the disease started anywhere within the chain, we would continue it like normal, but if it started on a healer or our other lock, we would have the hunter pick it up off them and begin the chain. The diseased person stood as close to the center of the circle in PP's room as possible, as this was the disease pick up-drop off point. It was the responsibility of the person picking up the disease to make sure they made it on time, with vocal communication of course.

When a green slime spawned, we all grouped up in a predetermined spot (as shown in the photo below), and faced a predetermined direction, and usually used myself (the giant chicken), as a marker. We usually would kill the slime before it reached us, or we would just be knocked back into the alcove facing Festergut's room. We used the same location during the transitions as well. If the green slime targeted the person with the diseased, we decided as a group to let them die. (We had 2 brezes 2 shaman pops and 1 soul stone available during the fight, so this might not work as well for you).

When an orange slime spawned, it was kited like normal and dpsed down quickly. Both slimes were slowed during the transition by our Abom. We would also normally only have only 1-2 slime spawns before the phase 1 transition, allowing the disease to die off before the transition slimes target.

We used blood lust during the phase 2 transition, to clean up the slimes as quick as possible.

Phase 3 was done like normal, with out tanks taunting every 2 stacks. We did have a warlock pre soul stone himself, and take the disease and stand in a corner to die, to remove the disease from phase 3, however our resto druid was like NOOOOO and saved him, so his death was not needed.

Picture key:
XD-Diseased Dps
T-PP's Table

Regular Phase 1 and 2 Positions:

Transition Positions:

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Fluffy

So, I was lurking the blog of the better of the 3 druids in Vortex (Kaelynn over at Dreambound) and came across her first post, which basically out lines her life story right down to the log cabin she was born in on that lonely winter night. :P

But really, I figured I would take a few moments to tell you guys (all 1 of you :D) about the man (or boy, however you wanna look at it :|) behind the feathers.

Who is Beranabus, IRL?

Well, Hi! I'm Alex. I live in the US (although I have a certain fondness of Canada that just can't be explained). Unfortunately, I still attend that crap-hole called High School, and I won't be 18 until later in the year. I guess that gives me plenty of time to play WoW huh? I play instruments, you know, stuff the chicks dig.

Book Nerd Moment: Beranabus is actually a book character from a series I read a few years back. It's by an author named "Darren Shann". The series is called "Demonata", and consists of ~10 books, which are still currently being released. He also has another series that he is more known for, called "Cirque De Freak". Basically Demonata is about demons and the struggle between humans and demons, and Cirque De Freak is the struggle of a young teenager becoming a vampire. I recommend these series to EVERYONE, although the latter being a bit more kid friendly than the former.

Who is Beranabus, Ingame?

Beranabus is a male tauren balance druid, rocking a fail resto off set. However, he hasn't always been that way, heck, he hasn't always been a he! Beranabus began with the aspirations of being a Kick Butt Meele Tree (and honestly, after 2 years I'm happy to say he has still retained that dream, all be it in a different way). When Beranabus first began, he went under a different alias, and gender. Beranabus was known as Rolarda of Durotan-US. She was a night elf female. Rolarda was started shortly before WoTLK came out, about 2 months before. She never reached 70 and raided, and infact didn't reach 80 until a few months before Ulduar was released. Rolarda leveled slowly but surely as a resto druid, running the odd instances here and there. (This is before LFD had been implemented, crazy I know).
When free realm transfers were opened to Nessingway-US, Rolarda migrated over there to join up with a friend (who quit on me 2 weeks later :| danngit Groz <3). After migration, Rolarda stayed innactive, as WoTLK had just came out. I began focusing on my current main (Rolard, Gnome rogue), leveling him up to 80 as quick as possible, 3rd 80 in my casual guild, amazing feat I know thank you. After my Rogue was 80, I began focusing on my DK tank, (Rolardo, Gnome, you can see the trend in my amazing naming right?). Before long Rolardo was 80, and Rolarda was still on Nessingwary-US, at level 55. Finally, I decided I was gonna do it, I was gonna level Rolarda. So I payed to transfer Rolarda back to Durotan-US and quickly leveled her.

My Raid Experience:

As I said, I didn't start until shortly after Sunwell was released so, due to the attunments, I was pretty much screwed about trying to get in to a decent raiding guild. I did Kara runs with my casual guild on my rogue, and that's about it. So i suppose you can call me a WoTLK raider. When WoTLK hit, I made quick progress in finding a raiding guild. I located a guild who was recruiting rogues, and made my way in. They happened to be 3rd on the server and 2nd on alliance. I then raided from Naxx all the way through Ulduar with them, clearing everything in 3.0 and all of Ulduar with a couple odd HM's. I also raided Naxx and Ulduar two other times a week on my DK and Druid, as Tank and Resto respectively. When ToTC hit, I had to take a break from raiding (Late nights were messing with my school work). I was able to come back, however, within 3 weeks. This time though, I was back on my resto druid, in a strict 10 man guild. We managed to finish all the Ulduar HM's and do 4/5 ToGC 10 before the guild desenegrated. R.I.P Prophets of Fury <3. It was around this time that Faction Changes were released.
Well, a majority of my old 25 man Naxx/Ulduar guild went horde side, and merged with another guild. I put in an app over there and got in on my rogue, and raided 4/5 ToGC 25 man up until the week before ICC came out. During this time, I brought Rolarda over horde side, but I made her a male tauren, however I kept the same name. TBH Female Taurens are ugly to me. :|. The week before ICC came out, I was approached by my Officer and asked if I could become the new guild feral druid. I accepted, and began to gear myself up. ICC in 232 badge gear FTW. But, I raided up through Blood Wing as feral, but finally decided to take another break, I just wasn't enjoying feral dps in 25 mans (to much lolag) After I came back from my break I found Vortex and it's been love ever since.

Scythe says I play to much:

Yeah, I currently have 4 80's, IDK if this means I play to much but yeah. My new main alt is actually my Ret Paladin, whom I love facerolling as. My DK also managed to make the trip to Turalyon-US, however my Rogue was left behind, my way of keeping in touch with my friends and family.

Well, That's it. That's me. Hopefully I didn't crit you to hard with my Wall of Text :P.



This Past Week

Sooo, to put it lightly.... Putricide Hardmode is a definite cock-block in our progression. We've been putting serious attempts on him for about 3 weeks, however this week I really feel like we made great progress, despite being at only 9 during our Sunday raid. I feel like a kill is gonna be coming in shortly, 2 weeks maximum. *knock on wood*

Since we only had 9, we figured that we would chill on our HM attempts and get me my awesome achievment. We succeeded, and quite frankly, compared to the HM, it was an absolute piece of cake. I honestly felt like the achievement didn't do the boss justice, but of course none of them really do :P. The only somewhat difficult achievements, imo, are Sindragosa and Lich King, and that's only because they artificially extend the fight, something that might be a problem if you're fighting enrage timers.

Oh, we also 9 manned LK, and actually were only a few seconds off of our fastest kills (at least the ones I've been a part of). This may or may not be due to the fact that we ran 2 healers, as opposed to our normal 3 healers.


^ kill shot

Oh and also, just for the lulz:

Watch live video from Vortex 10 Man Raids on Justin.tv

This is what happens when I'm not at the top of my game. :P

That's all for now.



Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Are you a female WoW player?!

Welllllll, my RL is single and looking. If you're a cool female WoW player, feel free to hit him up. He's a pretty cool guy!

On the real though, raid night one of the week is over, and we've made it through 2/3 of plague and 2/2 of blood. I'm pretty sure we're gonna be working heavily on PP HM this week. We've made quite awesome progress, getting him to around 7% last week. Here's to hoping for a downing this week!

Oh btw, justin.tv/damorons

^ That's our stream, Warlock PoV. Check it out anytime 7:30-11:30 Tues/Wed/Sunday... and maybe Thursday if Bob can peel himself off of Starcraft long enough to do our alt runs. I'll be the big sexy chicken :D



Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sup Guise

Oh hai, Beranabus here. I guess I'll start with a few things about muh self. I'm the resident Crit Chicken in on Turalyon, a strict 10 guild. We're pretty legit, just sayin'. My intent for this blog is to offer insight into strict 10 raiding as a moonkin, and occasional advice on some restoration (as my guild seems to think I'm worth-while as a healer). I might even have some RL anecdotes thrown in as well, who knows.

That's all for now, I hope you enjoy what's to come :D.
